15 Charming Baby Names That Mean Lucky

Some folks have all the luck. But why not set your baby up for a charmed life by staying a few steps ahead of the game and bestowing a name with that intention? After all, it was destiny and fate that brought them to you. Read on for 15 baby names that mean lucky.

Biblical Baby Names That Aren’t John or Mary

lucky baby destiny

1. Dalia

For a girl

She’s the goddess of fate, childbirth and, uh, weaving. And according to legend, she’s got strong juju when it comes to amassing and distributing material wealth. But if you ask us, any kid so closely associated with a bright summer flower just has to be delightful.

lucky baby dalia

2. Destiny

For a girl

We mean, anything associated with Beyoncé (Destiny’s Child,hello) is lucky in our book.

lucky baby yuki

3. Yuki

For a boy

A unisex baby name meaning “lucky” or “snow,” it’s been one of Japan’s most popular boy names for the past 30 years.

lucky baby evangeline

4. Evangeline

For a girl

Of Greek origin, this one means “bearer of good news” and “angelic.” Sounds like a good omen to us.

lucky baby seven

5. Seven

For a boy or a girl

If you are into numerology, it doesn’t get luckier than this. George Costanza may have though of it first, but Erykah Badu and Victoria Beckham followed suit.

lucky baby felicity

6. Felicity

For a girl

You’ll need to have positive associations with Keri Russell’s curl-chopping ’90s NYU student to go this route, but with its upbeat meaning (“happy”; “good fortune”), you’re guaranteed good vibes.

lucky baby asher

7. Asher

For a boy

With Old Testament origins, this moniker means “fortunate, blessed, happy one.” And its nickname—Ash—couldn’t be cuter.

lucky baby kiara

8. Kiara

For a girl

It translates into “bright” or “light” in Latin and Italian and “God’s precious gift” in Hindi. Oh, and it also has the distinction of being the name King Simba and Queen Nala chose for their daughter inThe Lion King II.We see a lush kingdom in this kid’s future.

lucky baby felix

9. Felix

For a boy

Meaning “fortunate” and “happy,” this adorable, underusedold man name与上地壳Londoners-is再保险——一个受欢迎的选择ady for a continental resurgence.

lucky baby karma

10. Karma

For a girl or a boy

From the Sanskrit for “action, fate or deed,” it also means “destiny” or “spiritual force” in Hindi. But you don’t need to be a Yogi or a Buddhist to know this name comes with good vibes.

lucky baby kader

11. Kader

For a boy

Of Arabic origin and meaning “power” or “able,” it also means “fate” and “destiny” in Turkish. And Kade for short is just too darn cute.

lucky baby halona

12. Halona

For a girl

A Native American name meaning “good fortune,” your Lonny or Hallie will have a super-interesting story to tell when asked her full name.

lucky baby merritt

13. Merritt

For a boy

Meaning “deserving of fortune,” this one earns all the applause. If you look to its Anglican origins, it also means “boundary gate”—and he or she who sets healthy boundaries is fortunate indeed.

lucky baby chance

14. Chance

For a boy

If you’re leaning toward Chase or Charlie, consider this charmer instead.

lucky baby fortune

15. Fortune

For a girl

We get the warm fuzzies just thinking about Chelsea Handler and Mindy Kaling’shilarious sidekick. Its mojo needs no explanation.

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Suzanne Zuckerman

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