These Are the 25 Smartest Dog Breeds, According to Science

It goes without saying that all dogs areadorable.But as anyone who’s spent two minutes with a beagle knows, some breeds are just a little goofier than others. So when it comes to obedience and training, which dogs are the leaders of the pack? Psychologist and University of British Columbia professor Stanley Coren surveyed 200 dog-obedience judges to find the smartest dog breeds in his bookThe Intelligence of Dogs.Here are the 25 dogs that he says are best in show when it comes to working intelligence (i.e., learning commands).

What Dog Breed Should You Get Based on Your Personality Type?

smartest dog breeds border collie
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1. Border Collie

According to Coren, these dogs are able to learn a new command in under five seconds and follow it at least 95 percent of the time.

smartest dog breeds poodle1
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2. Poodle

Second place on Coren’s list of smartest pups, thesehypoallergenic dogsare also great family pets.

smartest dog breeds german shepherdjpg
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3. German Shepherd

There’s a reason why these guys make great crime-fighting pals—they’re obedient and alert (and handsome, too).

smartest dog breeds golden retriever
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4. Golden Retriever

The ultimatefamily-friendly dog, these pooches are loyal, whip smart and very patient.

smartest dog breeds dobermann pinscher
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5. Doberman Pinscher

Playful and fun-loving, this breed is easy to train and fiercely loyal.

smartest dog breeds shetland sheepdog
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6. Shetland Sheepdog

Hey, only a highly intelligent breed would be able to raise a pig. (If you don’t get thisBabereference, please go rent the movie immediately.)

smartest dog breeds labrador retriever
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7. Labrador Retriever

The most popular dog breed in America is also one of the smartest. Great with families, these guys are loving and loyal.

smartest dog breeds papillon

8. Papillon

F命名的rench word for “butterfly” (just look at those sweet, pointed ears), this toy breed is intelligent, energetic and friendly.

smartest dog breeds rottweiler
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9. Rottweiler

Fans of children’s book好狗,卡尔won’t be surprised to discover that rotties are fearless, devoted and confident. (And also very obedient, according to Coren.)

smartest dog breeds australian cattle dog
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10. Australian Cattle Dog

No wonder these canines are such excellent work dogs. But even without cows to herd, this breed makes great companions thanks to their obedience, loyalty and protective nature.

smartest dog breeds pembroke welsh corgi
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11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

We wouldn’t expect anything less from Her Majesty’s favorite breed.

smartest dog breeds miniature schnauzer
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12. Miniature Schnauzer

Full of energy, these friendly pups are fast learners and sociable (and they have the best mustaches).

smartest dog breeds english springer spaniel
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Affectionate, athletic and attentive, these tail-waggers were bred as hunting dogs.

smartest dog breeds belgian tervuren
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14. Belgian Tervuren

Ideal watchdogs, these pooches arehighly trainableand have boundless energy.

smartest dog breeds schipperke
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15. Schipperke

From the Belgian region of Flanders, this breed is curious, confident and clever. (Although these small pups definitely think they’re bigger than they are.)

smartest dog breeds belgian sheepdog
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16. Belgian Sheepdog

Those Belgians really know a thing or two about smart pooches, don’t they?

smartest dog breeds collie
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17. Collie

Well, duh—have you never seenLassiebefore?

smartest dog breeds keeshond
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18. Keeshond

Outgoing and playful, this sturdy breed is known for the markings around their eyes that looks like glasses.

smartest dog breeds german shorthaired pointer
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19. German Shorthaired Pointer

Cooperative and trainable, these pups are popular hunting dogs so they need plenty of exercise.

smartest dog breeds flat coated retriever
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20. Flat-coated Retriever

Great with kids, this friendly breed is also a populartherapy dog.

smartest dog breeds english cocker spaniels
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21. English Cocker Spaniel

With their soft and luxurious coat, these guys love being friendly with kids, adults and even other pups.

smartest dog breeds standard schnauzer
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22. Standard Schnauzer

Devoted, loving and playful, these guys are also hypoallergenic.

smartest dog breeds brittany spaniel
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23. Brittany

Known as sensitive souls who are very clever and attentive.

smartest dog breeds cocker spaniel
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24. Cocker Spaniel

Thanks to a certainfictional female dog, the cocker spaniel has a lot to live up to.

smartest dog breeds nova scotia duck tolling retriever
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25. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

If you’re looking for a dog that loves to play fetch, then look no further than this smarty-pants.