5 Decor Trends That Are Officially Out for 2022

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Let’s face it: 2020 and 2021 were a sh*t show for everyone involved. However, if we’re going to dwell on the past, we might as well search for a silver lining. So, as much as we all despised lockdown, therewas some goodto emerge from everyone spending time at home: some really unique decor. Indeed, we can thank the pandemic for introducing funky shapes, nostalgic decor and cozy textures into our lives. And, while we thank these decorative staples for providing a much-needed distraction, it seems as if it’s time to bid some of them adieu.

“Using Google search data, we wanted to discover which trends have remained timeless, and which [had] their five minutes of fame by charting how dramatically interest in each trend has fluctuated over the last four years to reveal the most consistent trends,” explains experts atAtlas Ceramicsin a recenttrend report. What they found? Beyond the so-ubiquitous-they-became-clichéboob art and “gather” signs, there are five major home trends that are *done* in 2022. Read on for everything you need to know (plus five alternatives to bring home instead).

5家趋势千禧一代和婴儿潮一代汁液t Can’t Agree On

1. Female Body Candles

Instead, Try:Mood Lighting

You know those nude bust candles that wereall overInstagram during lock-down? As much as we love thebody-positive messagingbehind them, it seems as if these candles were more of a fleeting response to people spending more time at home. In fact, despite a peak between November 2020 and April 2021, searches for ‘female body candles’ dramatically dropped by 79.2 percent in the following six months, according to the report. So yes, candles will always be a decor staple, but it might be time to say goodbye to this style in particular. That said, if you’re still looking to make a statement in 2022,mood lightingis a great alternative. If you’d prefer not to deal with open flames—and want to cast a dreamier glow—consider a sunset projection lamp.

Shop our mood lighting picks:Ankishi Dimmable Sunset Floor Lamp($70),NULIPAM Sunset Lamp Projector($20),Kayln Led Novelty Floor Lamp($129)

2. Cottagecore

Instead, Try:Newstalgia

Ah yes,cottagecore. It’s that whimsical, cottage-style aesthetic that revived floral wallpaper, kitschy mix-and-match furniture and rustic touches to our homes in 2020. The look was cluttered, colorful and, uh,messy(to say the least). Its popularity has been on the decline since April 2021, according to the report, but that doesn’t mean the country vibe is totally out: Retro andshabby chic interiorsare here to stay. 2022’s hottest trend is calledNewstalgia, and it’s classing up the cottagecore vibe with retro furnishings and high-tech appliances. Think: ‘70s vintage pieces, Smeg appliances and timeless wall art. It’s basically cottagecore on steroids (without the clutter).

3. Boucle Chairs

Instead, Try:Armchairs with Curve Appeal

We’ve seen them everywhere: white, cozy barrel chairs with boucle fabric that says, “sink into me.” The look emerged at the height of the有机现代decor trend, along with natural materials and minimalist furnishings. However, unlike the aforementioned, it seems as if boucle textures are officially a thing of the past. But, have no fear—there’s a new furniture trend that we’relovingas a substitute: rounded furniture that softens all the harsh lines of a room—minus the pilly fabric. “Germany will be one of the markets driving the curve appeal trend in 2022. In this market, different design eras will come together: Searches for the glass ball lamp—inspired by mid-century modern pieces from the ‘60s—will rise, along with searches for bent sofa, which saw adoption across the ‘80s,” according toPinterest’s 2022 report.

Shop our curvy armchair picks:Paulo Bent Ply Leather Chair($1,424),Laredo Channel Stitch Chaise Lounge($540),Pershing Leather Curved Arm Chair($2,399),Fletcher Wide Armchair($234)

4. Bum Vases

Instead, Try:Abstract Line Art

Another ubiquitous home staple to take off during COVID-19? Bum vases. For the past few years, these curvy figurines have popped up everywhere in our decor (oftentimes doubling as a chic flower vase). And we get why: They serve as an attractive, edgy statement piece that can add some oomph to a space. But, alas, according to the report, “They reached their peak popularity of 8,420 searches between November and April 2021, which has already dropped 119 percent in the last six months.” Still, we can’t help but love the sophisticated lines of these silhouettes. If you’re looking to keep that touch of elegance, we’d recommend hanging some understated, abstract line art for the same effect (think Henri Matisse, albeit on an Etsy budget).

Shop our wall art picks:Haus and Hues Henri Matisse Posters & Picasso Prints($15),想着你的雷切尔·李($74),Ecyanlv Female Wall Art(29美元)

5. Twisted Candles

Instead, Try:Bespoke Candles

If you’re a frequenter of the#bendycandlehashtag on TikTok, you’re probably familiar with this mesmerizing fad. And, we’ll be the first to admit: It was hard to resist a video of these ordinary tapered candles being transformed into conversational pieces. That said, it seems as if the*oohs and ahhhs*have faded since the trend began in 2020. By November 2020, they flooded feeds everywhere, staying strong through April 2021, but not long after that, searches started to drop, the report found. And they haven’t recovered. Our advice? Instead of a sculptural candle, opt for a more bespoke scent that feels personal to you.

Shop our bespoke candle picks:Homesick State Candle(From $29),Zoe Tang Terrarium Candle($26),Boulangerie Jar Candle($18),Tocca Valencia Candle($42),Parachute Scented Candle($49)

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Sydney Meister

Assistant Editor

Sydney Meister is PureWow's Assistant Editor, covering everything from interior design and dating trends (helloo, rizz) to relationship advice, weddings, real estate, parenting...
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