10 Clever Ways to Make Your TV Less Hideous

我们不会贸易Netflix的夜晚——任何东西not even a picture-perfect home. But isn’t there a way to make our TV look like…erm...less of a vacuous black hole? Surely. We sourced the web for ten stylish ways to camouflage your hardest-working electronic.

How to Make Your Staircase the Prettiest Place In the Entire House

Paint Your Tv Wall A Dark Hue

A dark-toned paint job will cause a flat-screen to visually recede.

Install Sliding Barn Doors Over A Media Center

Gorgeous passageway or clever electronics disguise? It’s hard to say.

Install A Pull-down Map Above It

For vintage charm and a seamlessly easy cover up.

Install Framed Art Sliders

This chic DIY (which relies on drawer sliders mounted to the wall) only costs $30.

armoire tv solution
Chatfield Court

Tuck It Inside An Armoire

An oldie but a goodie: Stuff her inside an armoire and call it a day.

Create A Folding Screen With Art Prints

Hinge frames together so that they fold like a shutter.

Or Do The Same With Oversize Canvases

Large unit? Hinge together rectangular canvases instead (bonus points for covering them inGracie wallpaper).

Hang A Tonal Gallery Wall Behind It

Incorporating your TV into a wall covered with black boxes will make it have less of a sore thumb effect visually.

Hang A Large Canvas Over It

Step 1) Find a large, lightweight piece of art. Step 2) Tack L-shaped brackets to the top of it. Step 3) Pop over the TV when it's not in use.Voilà.

Splurge On This Ridonk Tv

We’d be remiss not to mentionThe Framehere: aka the world’s “most beautiful TV,” which can be programmed with art and auto-adjusts its brightness to look natural.

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Grace Beuley Hunt

Home Editor

From 2014-2019 Grace Beuley Hunt held the role of Home Editor covering interior design, styling, trends and more.
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