鲨鱼’s VACMOP Is Like a Swiffer on Steroids, So I Had to Test Its Limits

shark vacmop review hero
  • Value:16/20
  • Functionality:19/20
  • Quality:20/20
  • Aesthetics:18/20
  • Maneuverability:19/20


Maybe it’s because my world has been largely confined to the four walls of my home these past few months. Maybe it’s because less human interaction ismaking me weird(er,weirder)。但是,完全亲爱的est, I think my strange behavior is all the result of鲨鱼’s VACMOP. You see, I’ve never been one to look forward tocleaning. Anything. Ever. And now, I’m excitedly telling friends about how this combination hardwood-floor mop and vacuum picks up everything from animal cracker crumbs to wirydog hair, saving me from the multi-step process of sweeping, mopping and vacuuming.

Seriously. You don’t need a 1,000-word essay waxing poetic about a vacuum-mop hybrid, so I’ll break it down into the quick and (not so) dirty pros and cons:


  • It’s Cordless and Has a Magnetic Charger.I’m no longer tripping over cords (or accidentally unplugging the machine when I vacuum the far corners of a room). And the magnetic charger means you’re not fumbling to plug it in.
  • The Swivel Head Fits in Tight Corners.It easily glides between chair legs and around awkward corners of the room.
  • It Fixes the Biggest Issue I’ve Had with My Swiffer.Don’t get me wrong—I love the ease of aSwiffer—but I’ve always hated how loose dirt and pet hair tend to get pushed around just as much as they’re picked up (even when I use theheavy-duty pads intended for pet owners)。The vacuum feature sucks up dust and dirt easily, but it can also pick up larger debris, like bits of paper and crumbs, without an issue.
  • It Weighs Less Than 5 Pounds.I don’t mind hauling it from room to room as I clean. (Plus, it takes up as much closet space as a broom.)
  • It Has LED Headlights.Great if you’re vacuuming dark corners, I guess, but mostly, it just cracks me up to use this feature.
  • It May Take Some Effort, but I Haven’t Met a Mess It Can’t Tackle.Three days’ worth of dog hair! A glommed-on applesauce spill! Hardened bits of Play-Doh! There’s a spray feature on the VACMOP that helps loosen dried spills and scuffs. After spraying, it took a few swipes back and forth to get rid of—ahem—crayon marks on tile, but even then, it got the job done. And I didn’t have to get on my hands and knees to scrub it clean.


  • It’s Intended for Hard Floors Only.How I wish I could run the vacuum over my carpet as well! Although, to be honest, I’m lazy enough that I’d run it over everything in my house—perpetually shedding dog included—if it saved me an extra step of cleanup.
  • It’s a Bigger Investment Than a Swiffer. At $99 (or $89, as it’s currently listed on Amazon), it’s pricier than a$15 Swifferor $50Sweep + Vac. And far more than a traditional mop and broom, when you factor in the cost of continually buying multi-purpose or hardwood cleaner and the disposable refill pads. But you do get more out of it, so that—combined with how much time it saves me—makes it worth the investment in my mind.

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