The Best Workout for Your Zodiac Sign

Ask any expert how to get into shape and he or she will tell you to eat a balanced diet and get regular exercise. Sure, you could try a million barre, Pilates and spinning classes and hope one clicks, or you could consult this (way more fun) list to find the workout that’s most compatible with your sign. Consider this your fitness forecast, folks.

dance class list
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Aries (march 21 - April 19): Dance

You’re competitive by nature and, let’s be honest, a bit of a ham. So while your bestie swears by her weekly yoga sessions, you find them to be excruciatingly slow. A dance class where you can show off your moves (whether it's hip-hop, ballet or Beyoncé) is much more your speed.

yoga list
Alexandra Iakovleva/Getty Images

Taurus (april 20 - May 20): Yoga

Taurus ladies are sensual and graceful. They’re also stubborn (or, err, rather persistent), which makes a disciplined practice like yoga the perfect outlet for them.

circuit training list
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Gemini (may 21 - June 20): Circuit Training

For the twin sign, it’s important to avoid monotony. Variety and social interaction are key to keeping a Gemini engaged in a workout. Try a circuit training or boot camp-style class where the moves are constantly changing (and you can feed off of everyone’s energy around you).

spinning list

Cancer (june 21 - July 22): Spinning

You, crab friends, thrive on routine and structure. And while you also like having a sense of community around you while you work out, on occasion you need space to get lost in your thoughts. A spin class or run club will check all of the boxes.

boxing list
狮子座Patrizi/Getty Images

Leo (july 23 - August 22): Boxing

The lioness likes a challenge and is a bit flashier in her workout style. (We mean this literally and figuratively, as you’d swear she owns stock in Lululemon.) That said, as a Leo lady, you need something that constantly pushes you, like boxing or a HIIT class.

barre list

处女座(8月23日- 9月22日):横档

There is perhaps no sign more meticulous or focused than Virgo. A workout that emphasizes form and structure like barre or Pilates (where every single half inch and breath count for something) is your best bet.

personal training list
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Libra (september 23 - October 22): One-on-one Sessions

While some people prefer to sweat in complete solitude, you thrive on social interaction. Libra ladies exceed at partner sports like tennis and martial arts, or benefit from the one-on-one interaction of a personal trainer.

running list

Scorpio (october 23 - November 21): Long-distance Running

Under that calm exterior there’s a fiery intensity (that tends to get pent up) and a laser-focused drive. Endurance sports like long-distance running or swimming help to release any frustrations, while also hitting your fitness goals. Perhaps 2017 is the year you train for a triathlon?

crossfit list

Sagittarius (november 22 - December 21): Switch It Up

Adventurous and naturally athletic, Sagittarians love a challenge and crave variety. A mix of CrossFit and similarly intense classes will keep you fit as a fiddle while the occasional obstacle race or mud run will cater to your adventurous side.

pilates reformer list
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Capricorn (december 22 - January 19): Pilates

Showing up and putting in the work is not an issue for you, dear Capricorn. You have the type of discipline and self-control that most people struggle with. A Pilates Reformer class (aka Pilates on crack) is the perfect workout for you—every class is as challenging (if not more) as the last.

zumba list
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Aquarius (january 20 - February 18): Zumba

You’re creative, curious and never one to shy away from trying new things. You’re also a team player who feels energized by those around you. And while a Zumba class might be a complete nightmare for a more reserved sign (like, say, our Virgo friends), it’s your center stage.

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Pisces (february 19 - March 20): Yoga

For you, working out is just as much about the mind and spirit as it is about the physical aspects. A quiet, grounding practice like yoga gives you the perfect balance. Want to switch it up? Stand-up paddleboarding and aqua yoga are also great ideas for a water sign.

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Jenny Jin

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