10 Premade Easter Baskets That Save You a Whole Lot of Time (and Effort)

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Let’s be honest: There’s a lot going on right now, from COVID-19 to figuring out how you’ll handle your kids being home from school, not to mention that Easter is coming up quickly. With all that’s on your mind, it’s nice to be able to save a step here and there. These preassembled Easter baskets will help you do just that. We’ve gone through the options online and uncovered ones that allow you to personalize the items inside, as well as fun picks for all ages (including your Hatchimals-obsessed niece). Without further ado, here are the ten best premade Easter baskets you can buy online.

14 Easter Gifts for Kids (That Aren’t Giant Chocolate Bunnies)

target best friends basket

1. Alder Creek Best Friends Easter Basket

This basket is chock-full of snacks and toys, making it a great investment piece for the entire family. Whether you have multiple children or you’re sending to distant relatives, this premade basket is hefty enough (it’s loaded with six pounds’ worth of stuff!) to please everyone from baby to Grandma.

Buy It ($100)

2. Hatchimals Colleggtibles Easter Basket

Hatchimals for the win with these ombré-colored eggs. The purple, pink and yellow basket comes with four eggs and six characters, and half the fun will be seeing which ones your kid gets.

amazon disney frozen basket

3. DisneyFrozen 2Easter Basket

For the little angel who belts out “Let It Go” all year long, opening thisFrozen-filled basket will feel like Christmas in April.

$45 at Amazon

4. Golden Gift Box Play Pack Easter Basket

Easter celebrations already involve tons of chocolate and candy, so opting for a playtime basket helps to avoid sugar overload. This basket is all about bath play and includes bath pens, a rubber duck, a washcloth…and two chocolates, because c’mon, what’s an Easter basket withoutsomechocolate?

5. Peeps Easter Basket

喜欢人的人往往真的,真的很喜欢them. Let them feel seen with this nearly two-pound ode to the sugar-coated marshmallows, which combines the classic candy with a Peeps-themed puzzle, suction-ball game and other activities to keep kids busy until Easter dinner.

6. Personalized Easter Activity Basket

A basket full of activities is even more exciting when it’s personalized with your name on it. From a personalized coloring book to colorful name stickers, this gift is tailor-made for the kid you’re giving it to, making him or her feel extra special come Easter morning.

7. Heart & Holly Easter Gift Basket

This basket doubles as a care package. It’s filled with 40 candies, treats and snacks (we’re talking Cheez-Its, Fun Dip, Air Heads, you name it) that all ages can enjoy. Plus, there’s a sweet little plush bunny to snuggle with as you doze into a sugar coma. Awww.

8. Dinosaur Easter Basket

Perfect for toddlers who are obsessed with triceratopses and T. rexes. It comes with blueberry-flavored edible grass (yum!), a plush dino and dinosaur-filled eggs.

9. Williams Sonoma & Pottery Barn Easter Basket

Yes, it’s a hefty price to pay for an Easter basket, but when you really want to treat someone, this basket is the way to go. The wicker and rattan basket can be used to stow magazines after the holiday, and it’s stuffed with things she’ll actually adore: fresh lavender in a terra-cotta pot; blue robin’s eggs made from chocolate-covered marshmallows; lavender and orange blossom potpourri; and painted decorative eggs, to name just a few of the goodies. Isn’t Mom worth it?

amazon boys easter basket

10. Beyond Bookmarks Easter Basket

沟糖果altogether and go for a handful of tiny toys that will surely impress little kids. There are magnets, slime, motorcycles and more—honestly, what more could you want?!

$60 at Amazon