‘The Silence of the Lambs’ Sequel Is Coming to CBS—Here’s What We Know

CBS just released a thrilling new trailer for the highly anticipatedSilence of the Lambssequel,Clarice. The series focuses on the 1991 film’s protagonist, offering a candid glimpse into her life as an FBI agent.

So, what isThe Silence of the Lambssequel about? And when doesClaricepremiere on CBS? Keep scrolling for details.

silence of the lambs sequel
Courtesy of CBS

1. What isThe Silence Of The Lambssequel about?

The Silence of the Lambssequel is based on the character from Thomas Harris’s bestselling novel, who was later portrayed by Jodie Foster in the 1991 film.Claricetakes place in 1993, one year after the events inThe Silence of the Lambs. The series follows Clarice (Rebecca Breeds), an FBI agent who returns to the field after getting too close (literally) to her last case.

The show’s description reads, “Brilliant and vulnerable, Clarice’s bravery gives her an inner light that draws monsters and madmen to her. However, her complex psychological makeup that comes from a challenging childhood empowers her to begin to find her voice while working in a man’s world, as well as escape the family secrets that have haunted her throughout her life.”

2. Is there a trailer?

绝对的。47-second剪辑了观众to the iconic character, Clarice. Although she’s trying to forget her past, her overly-welcoming personality continues to be her downfall.

A voiceover says, “What do you do with all your rage?” To which someone responds, “Clarice.”

3. When doesClaricepremiere?

Claricewill premiere on Thursday, February 11, 2021. The series will air at 10 p.m. on CBS, so be sure to set your DVRs.

4. Who stars inClarice?

In addition to Breeds,Claricealso stars Nick Sandow (Murray Clarke), Erica Anderson (Casey Laughty), Jayne Atkinson (Ruth Martin), Marnee Carpenter (Catherine Martin), Michael Cudlitz (Paul Krendler), Lucca de Oliveira (Tomas Esquivel), Kal Penn (Shaan Tripathi) and Devyn Tyler (Ardelia Mapp).

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Greta Heggeness

Senior Editor

Greta Heggeness is a California-based editor at PureWow and has been writing about entertainment since 2015. She covers everything from awards shows to exclusive celebrity...
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