
moon water recipe cat

Sure, you obsessively check yourhoroscope,但你调到月球周期吗?月亮affects the ocean’s tides, so why wouldn’t it affect us humans? We’re 60 percent water after all. There are many spiritual traditions that live by the moon, and rituals for capturing the moon’s energy have existed for thousands of years. One of those rituals is creating moon water. Through charging water under the moon, some believe you can cleanse negative energy along a path to spiritual transformation. We’ve created this guide for how to make moon water, the best time to do it, and all the ways you can use it once you have some of your own!

What Is Moon Water?

月球水并不是一个新潮流。The ritual dates back thousands of years, originating with theAyurvedicmedicine practice of bathing in moon water to capture theprana(or energy) of the moon. Now modern witches (and mortals alike) set out ritual bowls under new and full moons to soak up some of that sweet lunar energy for themselves.

“We use moon water to enhance our creative side and unlock inner truths that may be hidden in the busy rhythm of the modern world,” said clinical herbalistArielle Hayatwhen I asked her about the process of making moon water. Hayat described the Ancient Mayan ritual of flower-filled water baths (calledasustobaths, orlimpias) that were thought to replace a person’s negative emotional patterns with the healing vibrations of flowers and nature. A similar logic can be applied to moon water which captures the intuitive, nurturing and creative energy of the moon. Once you’ve collected your moon water, you can use it for rituals like a moon bath, or incorporate it into your beauty routine.


Though moon water is spiritually potent, the process for making it is fairly simple. All you really need is a bowl, some water and a few intentions. But you can make things as simple or complex as you like depending on your experience and connection to the moon.

Step 1: Check the lunar calendar

First things first, before you do anything else, you’ll want tocheck the lunar calendar. You’ll want to note where we currently are in the lunar cycle, and then determine when you want to let your water sit out to be charged by the moon. If you’re new to acknowledging the lunar ebbs and flows, you may want to spend a full cycle noting how you feel and what comes up in your life as the moon waxes and wanes. The first step to getting in touch with the divine is noticing patterns.

Though you can make moon water at any time of the month, for beginners, it’s best to start with the full moon. Full moons are times of culmination and receiving feedback. Think about it: In ancient times, there were a few days every month when the full moon lit up the sky, allowing for more social activity at night, even on the darkest winter days. Full moons are bursting with energy! The new moon on the other hand, is when the sky is dark and things are just beginning. It’s harder to see what we’re working with. That said, be sure to read your horoscope and check what astrologers are saying about the upcoming full moon before you make your moon water. You want to make sure it’s an essence worth bottling. Just like not every wine is a good vintage, not all full moons give the same energy.

Step 2: Gather your supplies

Once you’ve determined a date for making moon water, it’s time for the fun part! Gathering your supplies. Though all you really need for moon water is a small container (a bottle or bowl), and well, water, you can also add herbs to your mixture or charge crystals at the same time.

You want to match the energy of the moon with any ingredients you’re adding to the potion. For example, if it’s a full moon inLeo, you may want to acquire some solar herbs like St. John’s-wort, chamomile or calendula. Likewise, for the full moon inVirgo, you might want to work with Mercurial herbs like lavender, cinnamon or thyme.

You could also utilize a lunar herb, like mugwort, to enhance the moon’s energy at all times of the year. “Mugwort supports vivid and lucid dreams, unlocks intuition and opens the third eye,” said Hayat. “Traditionally mugwort was used to balance the menstrual cycle and has always been associated with the feminine energies of the moon,” she continued.

It’s also possible to charge your crystals along with your moon water at the full moon, especially those that reflect the lunar energy and your intentions. I asked Hayat if she had any particular crystal recommendations, and she was enthusiastic about labradorite which, like mugwort, supports your visions and psychic abilities while keeping you safe, protected, and grounded. Sounds dreamy!

Step 3: Set your intentions and charge your moon water

Once you’ve picked a date and gathered your supplies, it’s time to create the moon water. But first, you need to set your intentions. This is a time to relax and put yourself in conversation with the moon. You canmeditateon your intentions or speak them out into the universe. You also might want to write down your thoughts in a journal or on a sheet of paper and slip them under your bowl or bottle while the water is charging for extra potency. Herbs andcrystalsare optional, but you’ll want to add those as part of this intention setting ritual. Light some candles if you’re feeling it too!

Once the vibes are right and your intentions are set, you just need to leave your bowl or bottle of water out under the moonlight overnight. Place the bowl outside or leave it by the window to soak up the moon’s light overnight. In the morning, you can collect the water and if it isn’t already, place it into a container where it can be stored for later use.

How To Use Moon Water

So at this point you’re probably wondering how to use this moon water in your daily life. Hayat likes to use it as part of a ritual bath. She suggests rather than a simple soak that you should dunk your head completely under the water to fully immerse yourself in the lunar energy. “Salts are always welcome in the bath too, as well as something with earth energy to absorb and transmute negative frequencies in your aura,” she says.

Beyond moon baths, you can incorporate moon water into your life through other rituals. You can drink the water or simply let it sit on your altar. Incorporating moon water into your daily beauty routine is also an option so grab a spritz bottle. Who needs rose water when you have moon water?

Rituals, like moon water, don’t have to be complicated, they just have to be consistent. Moon water is a tool for cleansing and grounding, meant to get us more in touch with our natural rhythms. You might find that the real medicine is getting in touch with the lunar cycle itself. When in doubt, keep it simple.